Boutique Software

Our expertise lies in crafting tailored software solutions that enhances security, cost-efficiency, automation, and makes running your business easier.

Let's Talk

Who Are We?

We are a small group of dedicated software engineers based out of Houston, TX obsessed with building software. We are dedicated to helping small and medium enterprises increase their efficiency using tailored software built on the cloud, while looking to keep operational costs and risk low.

Business First

At 2FiftySix, we specialize in streamlining business operations and boosting digital presence through cloud technologies. Our focus on security, cost-efficiency, and automation drives the development of tailored, user-friendly software solutions. Just like small and medium enterprises (SMEs), we understand the challenges of technology, providing strategic solutions for efficiency and growth.

Here to Grow With You

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) encounter significant challenges in harnessing the full potential of technology to drive efficiency, productivity, and growth. As SMEs grow, they face processes that struggle to scale with their expanding needs. The overwhelming landscape of technology and complex decision-making add a layer of difficulty, compounded by generic off-the-shelf software that often falls short of meeting these evolving requirements.


We work alongside customers to identify software solutions for pain points and bottlenecks in their processes. Our approach enhances traditional consulting through collaborative and iterative development; we demystify the software development process for clients through transparency and prioritize client education to bridge the gap between client and developer, fostering a shared understanding of the technology.

Simply put, we are in the business of building software to help you grow your business.